Reflexions by: Vicky Suarez, Acrylic and Wood, 2019

Where the Goldfinch Flew

The Crow flew north toward the bright and glowing orange
Where it was warm and the smell was so sweet
His sister eagerly waited for him with her eyes trained on a fresh meal
He flew where food was plentiful, as were the cries of men

The Cardinal flew east where the lost remain
He left there to guide those who had no direction
A place where the few together wept for the many alone
Where it was always cold and always silent

The Grackle flew south cackling along the way
He set out to a place where everyone was laughing
A setting so happy and loud that you didn’t hear the terrors
Where those could brave a smile under the masks they wore

The Condor flew west into nowhere
A place where he would rest his great wings
Where he’d have no worries about his survival
Because nowhere was a home for nothing

The Goldfinch had not yet flown
For he was not corrupted by the night skies
He saw the four paths fate had left him
And he dreaded the moment of his choice

The Crow relished in the flesh of those wounded by war
The Cardinal bridged spirits of the living and the deceased
The Grackle hid behind distractions to avoid his ghosts
The Condor gave up and was carried off into extinction

The Goldfinch took flight and knew which path to take
He flew up, towards the light of the moon
For he knew that as long as the moon shone bright
That behind it the sun was shining too