Untitled by: Jonathan Alvord, Charcoal, 2018

Showcase: Engage

Aristocratic fashionistas flock in frigid February air

Sang-bleu deems warmth unnecessary

Onyx windows of Mercedes undulate in a sea of chaos

As celestial dust powders the herds of fur-laden celebutantes

A vainglorious jubilee honoring a creative tribal leader awaits

Lightning flashes from paparazzi perching as a parliament of owls

Shouting thunders of “Katya!”, “Raquel!”, “Simone!”, “Lizette!”

Ringing off the concrete valley of eighteenth-century edifices

Gargoyles lined sconces waver like willows with winter wind

Umbrella canopies cradle couture as cheetah cubs

A voluminous tundra lined with minks, pythons, velvets and crinolines

A glittering rainbow of hues from designer eyes

Iridescence, a welcome and blinding beacon of faith

Against the grey mountain of Parisian wintertide

Models gather in packs waiting to be manicured before the parade of lions lacing  the catwalk

Lighting masters create a faux-Aurora borealis under the billowing tent

Signing to patrons that it is time to settle in their seats
